Top 5 Imposter Tips to Help You Win “Among Us”
If you’ve been selected as an Imposter in “Among Us”, you’ll need to be cunning and quick on your feet in order to get the edge on your fellow players (AKA the Crewmates) and win the game.
That’s why we’ve put together the best five tips and tricks to help you secure victory:
Fake It ‘Til You Make It
As an Imposter, wiping out Crewmates is your main goal. But to accomplish this, you need to keep the others off your scent. That’s why you also need to carry out certain fake tasks on board the space station.
To fake a task, stand next to the task spot and wait for the time it takes to do it. Once the taskbar in the upper left corner starts going up, feel free to try bumping off Crewmates.
But be careful and be discreet – eagle-eyed Crewmates will notice if you attempt to finish a long task too quickly, if you’re performing tasks that are not assigned to you, or if you’re lingering around areas with slow progress on your taskbar.
Target Immune Players
Immune players are those who have completed visual tasks in front of other Crewmates. That makes them immune from being suspected as Imposters. Thus, the likelihood of them successfully accusing you of being an Imposter increases.
As an Imposter, you will need to deal with immune players as quickly as possible. This means keeping on their trail and taking them down first in favour of other Crewmates.
Just refrain from getting reckless: other Crewmates may be shadowing immune players in the event the Imposter (or Imposters) reveal themselves. If they see you killing immune players or you’re spotted near a dead body, then all suspicion will fall on you.
Vent to Kill
Venting is an Imposters-only ability that allows them to access a series of connected vents and travel around the map more easily to eliminate Crewmates. They can also make a quick escape into the vents after bumping off a victim.
Venting is an effective strategy to pull off multi-kills. For example, wait inside a vent in a secluded area until a Crewmate is nearby. Then, exit the vent, kill them, and perform some sabotage (such as turning off the lights or busting the door’s locking mechanisms), which will distract Crewmates and buy you time to hop back into the vent without being seen.
When another Crewmate comes along to discover the dead body, you can exit the vent and bump them off before they can report the discovery. Just be mindful of letting Crewmates see you venting, otherwise you’ll be caught and the proof will be used against you during the vote!
Caught on Camera
Security cameras are located in various areas on the Skeld, Polus and Airship maps. These allow Crewmates to watch their fellow players in action from the Security room, as indicated by the red flashing lights atop the cameras.
When you’re in view of the cameras – especially when those lights are flashing – act as normally as possible. Do not attempt to bump off a Crewmate, otherwise you will be caught in the act. Try to memorise the locations of these cameras so that you can plan and effectively utilise your killing strategy.
As a bonus, Crewmates in the Security room can’t see other players next to them while viewing different parts of the map. This may be your chance to take them out of the picture while you still can!
Vote of Confidence
During the voting process (which usually takes place when a dead body is found or when an emergency meeting is called), players will be able to discuss their opinions, present their alibis and evidence, and – most importantly – vote for the likeliest Imposter(s), who will then be ejected from the space station.
If you’re an Imposter, you’ll need to present a good argument to support your “alibi”, which means having to make up very convincing lies about your behaviour and movements. Voting is also a good platform for you (and other Imposters) to throw suspicion onto innocent Crewmates. If you can convince the other Crewmates of the other player’s guilt, then that player will likely get ejected.
Don’t be too aggressive or insistent with your accusation(s), though: if you’re quick to point fingers at a Crewmate but can’t come up with a good reason about why they deserve to go, then you’ll be drawing attention to yourself, and that’s a quick way to get yourself voted off.
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